DECEMBER 14-15, 2024 & JANUARY 11, 2025
Junior Team Tennis
Fall 2024 Section Championships
December 14-15 – 10U Green Ball, 12U, 14U, 18U
Indian Wells Tennis Garden* (14U Advanced; 18U Intermediate & Advanced)
Omni Rancho Las Palmas (10U Green Ball; 12U Advanced; 18U Novice)
College of the Desert (12U Novice & Intermediate)
Mission Hills Country Club (14U Novice & Intermediate)
Coachella Valley, California
* As many finals as possible will be played at Indian Wells Tennis Garden.
January 11 – 10U Orange Ball
Fountain Valley High School
Fountain Valley, California
Jason Cook
Junior Team Tennis Manager
USTA Southern California
(310) 209-5902
Indian Wells Tennis Garden
(14U Advanced; 18U Intermediate & Advanced)
78-200 Miles Ave.
Indian Wells, CA 92210
Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa
(12U Advanced; 18U Novice)
41000 Bob Hope Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
College of the Desert
(12U Novice & Intermediate)
43500 Monterey Ave.
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Mission Hills Country Club
(10U Green Ball; 14U Novice & Intermediate)
34600 Mission Hills Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Fountain Valley High School
(10U Orange Ball)
17816 Bushard St.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
74895 Frank Sinatra Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Make your reservations by November 22nd.
Trevor Kronemann – Executive Director
Dianne Matias – Director of Junior Tennis
Maria Goldberg – Senior Director of Competition
Jeanette Lee – Area League Coordinator
Tony Chatfield – Area League Coordinator
Steve Riggs – Area League Coordinator
Laurel Smith – Officials
#1 – All team members must be registered in TennisLink and have local play history in the Fall 2024 season to include: Two (2) complete individual matches, which may include one (1) on-site default and/or recorded ALC-approved exhibition match. Some sections require two (2) completed regular matches (defaults and exhibition not counted as a match played). Please check with your local Area League Coordinator to ensure you played the correct amount of matches to be eligible to play Sectionals.
#2 – Players must not “age up” before September 8, 2024.
#3 – Players may only participate for one (1) team at the Section Championships.
#4 – Six (6) eligible players are required for each match.
#5 – Individual match line defaults will result in full team disqualification. (see Defaults & Withdraws)
If a team falls below the required 6 players, they may substitute an eligible player from the same league of the same or lower level if approved by the tournament committee. Prior to the start of the tournament, if a team cannot meet the minimum six eligible players required, it will forfeit the invitation. Every effort will be made to replace the team with one from the same or possibly different area.
Players must play in the order of strength. The order of strength will be recorded via the Team Order of Strength Form (submitted by team manager during registration). All players participating must be listed on this form. Team match line-ups can be submitted prior to each match as follows:
#1 – Any two players are permitted to play singles, with the highest player selected playing the number one singles position. The remaining players will make up the doubles teams. The ranking of the doubles teams will be determined by the sum of the players listed from the Order of Strength
Form. The lowest total sum of the two players selected will play the number one doubles position. If the two doubles teams sum is equal, the highest individual player from the two doubles teams will play in the number one doubles position.
#2 – Listing more players than will join the team on the Team Order of Strength Form will result in the team being disqualified from the Section Championships.
In the Section Championships round robin formats, failure by a team to play all scheduled matches is detrimental to the experience of all participants and the success of the tournament. To ensure a successful experience, players and teams are prohibited from defaulting or withdrawing during the Section Championships (whether during the course of a match or prior to its commencement.) In the case of illness, injury or personal emergency, the tournament director should be advised immediately and the tournament committee will make any appropriate rulings. Failure of a team to complete any scheduled match other than a special case as noted above, will result in the forfeiture of the team deposit (See Team Registration above).
In the event that a team withdraws before the conclusion of the Section Championships or becomes ineligible through the course of this competition, any completed results will become null and void.
Match schedules coming soon!
To access the schedule of play:
#1 – Go to usta.com, click on TennisLink, and select Junior Team Tennis
#2 – Click on Championship Advanced Search
#3 – Scroll down to Search Championship by Level:
drop down to select Section, drop down to select So. California
#4 – Click on Search Stats & Standings, click on the specific Flight number, then click on Match Schedule.
Due to the number of teams and round robin format, some flights will be separated into pools. If applicable, be sure to check both pools for your team’s schedule.
Six eligible players are required per match and must play in order of strength. Singles and doubles matches will be played concurrently. Formats are subject to change prior to scheduling due to draw sizes. (See Order of Strength in the Rules & Regulations tab above.)
A waterfall rating system will be used to divide teams into equally balanced pools. And teams within the same section will be separated so that they are not in the same pool at Sectionals.
10 & Under Divisions
– Team matches will consist of two singles and two doubles.
– Six game pro-set, no-ad scoring. Set tie-break at five games all.
12/14 & Under Divisions
– Team matches will consist of two singles and two doubles.
– Eight game pro-set, no-ad scoring. Set tie-break at seven games all.
18 & Under Divisions
– Team matches will consist of two singles and two doubles.
– Best two of three sets, no-ad scoring. Set tie-break at five games all.
– Ten-point match tie-break played in lieu of a third set.
Every team is guaranteed a minimum of five matches.
– 12U L5 – Three round robin matches (one pool of four teams). Champion is determined by most games won in group play.
– 12U L6 – Three round robin matches (two pools of four teams). Champions playoff.
– 12U L7 – Three round robin matches (two pools of five teams). Champions playoff.
– 14U L5 – Four round robin matches (one pool of five teams). Champion determined by most games won in group play.
– 14U L6 – Three round robin matches (two pools of four teams). Champions playoff.
– 14U L7 – Three round robin matches (two pools of four teams). Champions playoff.
– 18U L5 – Three round robin matches (two pools of four teams). Champions playoff.
– 18U L6 – Three round robin matches (two pools of four teams). Champions playoff.
– 18U L7 – Two round robin matches (two pools of three teams). Two semifinals, one champions, one consolation #3 vs. #3.
– Set Tie-Break: First to seven points by a margin of two.
– Match Tie-Break: First to ten points by a margin of two.
– Every Game Counts: Flight champions will be determined by the team with the greatest number of games won in pool and championship match play. If there are two pools of play for one flight, the winners of Pool A and Pool B will play off for the section championship.
– Tie in Pool or Championship Match Play: Decided by the first of the following procedures that apply:
#1 – Head-to-head match result
#2 – Team that lost the fewest number of games
#3 – Greatest number of matches won
#4 – One match randomly selected
Team Coach/Captain must check in teams 30 minutes prior to match time and present line-ups.
All team members must be present at the match site when a line-up is submitted. Teams must be ready to play at this time.
A team will be defaulted 15 minutes after the scheduled match time if all of the players and the Team Coach/Captain are not present.
When the players complete their match, both players and/or teams shall report the score on the Match Tennis App. Both teams and coaches/managers are responsible for verifying the scores on the app.
One designated coach (for the entire team and entire match) is permitted. Coaching is permitted on court, or preferably through the fence, and on changeovers only and must leave the court before play resumes.
Safe Play clearance is required for all JTT Team Coaches/Managers listed on the team roster form and any players over 18 years of age. To become Safe Play approved or renew your certification, click here.
These will be distributed to team coaches at first match sign in. The credentials are for the coaches only, so we can distinguish the coaches from the parents. Also, credentials are used to indicate which coaches are allowed to coach their players on court.
The player party to be held at Mission Hills Country Club on Saturday, December 14th from 6:30 to 9:30PM. The cost to attend will be $5.
Only the first 300 players who RSVP will be allowed to attend. Each team needs to have at least one chaperone.
Awards are given to the champions and finalists in each division. The awards presentation will take place at the tournament desk after results have been verified.
Applies to team management, parents, spectators and players. All Junior Team Tennis participants are required to behave in a manner suited for an on-going positive playing environment. Great sports make a sport great!
Unacceptable behavior, including arguing, cursing, general poor sportsmanship and derogatory comments between team management, parents, spectators and players or towards the tournament staff will NOT be tolerated. This behavior includes sideline coaching and line calls by parents or spectators and intentional incorrect calls by players, disregard for USTA officials, name calling and racquet abuse. Those engaged in such behavior are subject to suspension from the league and USTA tournaments.
In the case of a valid sportsmanship grievance against team management, players or parents, a Sportsmanship Grievance Form must be submitted via ustasocal.com no later than 24 hours following an incident. The complaint will be reviewed by section management and appropriate action will be taken. If necessary, the grievance will be presented to the USTA SoCal Junior Competition Grievance Committee.
One Sportsmanship award from each age group will be selected. Players will be required to nominate their peers in an online form on Match Tennis. Winners will get a $50 Gift Card from Tennis Warehouse.
USTA officials will be present at each site throughout the championships.
Event photos will be available on PhotoShelter.