MARCH 20, 2024

In recognition of his dedication and commitment, USTA Southern California extends heartfelt congratulations to Central Coast’s Bernie F. Cabiles for being named Adult League Captain of the Month.
Not participating in the sport until just a few years ago, Bernie has always had an admiration for the game. Born and raised in the Philippines, Cabiles did not play tennis growing up due to the luxuries that came with it. Instead, he took up other activities to sustain his competitive spirit.
“My earliest tennis memory is that it was only accessible to and afforded by rich people,” he shared. “As a teenager, I remember watching kids my age playing tennis and wished that someday, I would be able to afford a pair of tennis shoes, some tennis outfit, a tennis racket, and play on one of those fancy looking courts. Tennis equates to being rich, and we were poor. Poverty allowed access to chess and table tennis; hence, chess and table tennis became sports of choice.”
On a life-changing journey, Cabiles left home and emigrated to the United States in 1988. Focused on getting a job and receiving an education, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in January of 1989. Cabiles would go on to serve for 25 years, climbing the ranks and ultimately retiring as an Air Force Officer in 2014. During that span of time, his love of the game grew even stronger while watching legends like Andre Agassi, Boris Becker and Pete Sampras. Now in the Space Force serving as a Senior Space Operations Officer, he has an even greater reason to be passionate about the sport, as Bernie’s wife shares the same appreciation for tennis as he does.
Bernie’s playing journey first began when he joined a league with his wife, Ramona. In 2019, she joined a ladies’ tennis group at the Santa Maria Country Club, with Bernie following suit shortly after. The two began taking lessons from the club’s tennis pros which furthered their love and dedication for tennis.
“My wife and I have always enjoyed staying active whether it’s fishing, mountain biking, or running,” Bernie mentioned. “We are trying to age gracefully together, so we decided to focus on tennis. We joined the club immediately so we could play more often and were grateful we had tennis when COVID happened because we were able to maintain some normalcy by playing.”
Bernie’s first league kicked off in 2021 as he joined a mixed team on the Central Coast. After gaining a few years of playing experience, Cabiles took over the reins as captain, leading multiple teams in both Santa Maria and Santa Barbara. Cabiles has since captained four teams in total, with each team varying in skill level, age and gender. Throughout his more than two years serving as a league captain, he has gained invaluable experiences while providing opportunities for players both new and experienced to learn the game and enhance their skills. The environment that Bernie creates for his players is special, as it emphasizes team building, growth and collective learning on and off the court.
“Being a captain and a player has been an amazing experience, both for me and my wife. The landscape that we have been able to create with our teammates is one that showcases social bonds and allows us to grow and learn together,” Bernie added. “I especially enjoy being a captain because it allows me the leverage of including beginner players, like myself, an opportunity to cultivate skills. It is gratifying to see growth over time, and by that, I mean, seeing your teams advance to sectionals, and rally more than enough people to go and play tennis.”
Captaining is no easy feat, and as Bernie has experienced, comes with a plethora of tasks. In advising players who may be interested in taking this next step in their leagues by becoming a captain, Bernie emphasizes the importance of effective communication and organization.
“Captaining is a commitment and comes with privileges and responsibilities. Clear communication is a must,” he noted. “This is not only to your team’s players, but to the other team’s captain and most importantly the League Coordinator and your host club’s director. USTA provides a useful tool in laying a great foundation for fun and successful matches.”
With Bernie’s love of tennis, he has found a new love of league play and the opportunities it provides for players all across the country to remain competitive at any age. In his leagues, he has witnessed first-hand the significance of sportsmanship within USTA, a value dear to the organization and especially the Southern California section. He loves the internal motivation that comes with playing in leagues, as the rewards of earning a trip to Sectionals and even Nationals inspire teams to work harder than ever.
“USTA leagues foster sportsmanship and provide an organized setting for our local members to compete, both as an individual and as a team,” stated Cabiles. “As a reward, USTA provides the opportunity to advance to Sectionals and Nationals. Sectionals is actually one of the motivators for our team members to improve. Going to Sectionals is always a humbling experience as you witness the world outside your local league, the potential of how much one can grow, and where your game is compared to the rest. At the same token, going to Sectionals is also an opportunity to celebrate our team’s companionships and promote lifetime friendships.”
As for tennis in general, Bernie enjoys the camaraderie of the sport and how it impacts multiple facets of his everyday life. “Tennis contributes to the four major dimensions of wellness (mental, physical, social, and spiritual),” highlighted Bernie. “It keeps us moving, keeps us thinking, keeps us meeting new people, and allows us to appreciate the blessing of health and beautiful weather year-round.”
Bernie’s story exemplifies the transformative power of tennis, transcending borders and backgrounds as he has formed a love for the sport. His dedication as a captain and player has not only helped shape the Central Coast tennis community, but has become an inspiration for players of all skill levels.